
Thursday, December 12, 2019

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Being Cybersmart in a learn,create,share,world

In Cybersmart I learn't that you have to do good things that don't involved like privacy things.These are the rules for people like me don't share your email,phone number,wrong messages, private photos.

Created by Spencer Foster and Rangi 

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Pause and Think

Think about what information your sharing with other people. 

Feel about what private things that your giving away that belongs to your heart and specially do not share your Email account with anyone even your friends. 

Balance the right things instead of the wrong things. Listen to your 'gut' - what is the bad things that people share with you and also think. Stand up to bullies online even your friends do not, but always stand up for yourself because it is the right thing to do and shows you are responsible.

Monday, June 17, 2019

My weekend

On Saturday I played a team with my team we won the game on that same day. It was my cousin birthday and we went to jump and by then I sprained my left ankle and I couldn't play by then the next day came along and it was my brothers birthday on June 16 th of 2019 my brothers name is Roman #1 stπŸ˜›.We had a gala day😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

# 3 GAMES with my ankle

Thursday, May 30, 2019

solar system

Earth is away from the sun 93 million miles  away.The sun keeps the planets stable and the solar system has something to do with the sun.Mercury is the littlest planet around the sun people call it sister planet because it is almost the same size of earth.Pluto is not a planet any more because it is to small to be a planet.There are five different dwarf planet.The sun is the stars in a group if we did not have the sun we wouldn't live in this condition.The sun has 600 million hydrogen atoms & the sun is 4.6 billion years old.The sun is so huge that it can last for anther 5'000 years.Sometimes you can see a planet called Venus.I wonder if Pluto will come back and the other five planets.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

On motat day we went on the bus & I was all ready to go on the bus. First you have to have steps First next then & last

1. First you have to see if you got all of your stuff in your bag




MET survey

Today I did MLQ with mrs collins.

Friday, February 22, 2019

My first blogpost

I wanted to achieving my goals last year it was reading and writing.I thought why not try them this year and a new goal which is Helping people. My favourite sport is rugby because i'm good at tackling.I love my fa